
"Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again."


John 3:3

Welcome to the Apply page of School Alive, where you embark on the first step towards a unique educational journey that integrates faith and learning in a transformative way. Here, you will find information to guide you through the process of joining our vibrant community.

Student Application

School Alive Student Application
Pay New Student Fee
School Alive Family Handbook
School Alive Transcript Example
School Alive 2024-2025 Course Catalog
School Alive 2024-2025 Calendar


"The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of government in the next."


Abraham Lincoln

Students are enrolled based on years of age into one of the seven levels that combines two traditional grades together for vertical integration.  Students must reach the set years of age on or before August 1st of the year they start.


"Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports."

George Washington

School Alive follows a typical 180-day school calendar and operates from August through May. All students are enrolled full-time from Monday through Friday.  The 7 levels of students will rotate through the 7 HAMSTER disciplines on either a Traditional or A/B Block Schedule. The School Alive Schedule follows Eastern Time Zone (ET).

There are 7 HAMSTER Periods and 1 Passion Period for a total of 8 Periods that are 40 minutes long every day or 80 minutes long every other day. Additionally, we start as well as end each day together with a United Period that is 5 minutes long, have short Passing Periods that are 3-5 minutes long, and have 1 Lunch/Recess Period in the middle of each day that is 60 minutes long.

Admission Requirements

"Children should be educated and instructed in the principles of freedom."

John Adams

Admission to School Alive is a privilege and not a right. lt is a privilege granted to those students who manifest a desire to live as Bible-believing, consecrated Christians. The school reserves the right to dismiss any student who, in the opinion of the administration and board, does not fit into the spirit of the school, even if that student has kept all the rules and regulations of the school.

School Alive admits students of any race, color, national, or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students of this school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national and ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admission policy, scholarship programs, athletic, and other school-administered programs.


Students and/or their families applying for admission must:


  • Desire a strong Christian education and social environment with moral absolutes.
  • Commit to support their child, the staff, the school and its programs, and uphold the school’s Statement of Faith.
  • Have a strong academic background.


"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest."


Benjamin Franklin

All tuition money will be used in a way that is focused on ensuring the optimal success of students while attracting and retaining high quality faculty.

Standard Price

$700/Month/Student (Paid Over 10 Months August-May)

~$583/Month/Student (Paid Over 12 Months August-July)


To finalize enrollment, a one-time, non-refundable $1000 fee is required for new students to cover technology and registration costs.

Student Enrollment

"Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it."


Mark Twain

Students are accepted on a first come first serve basis after an interview with their parent(s) to determine if School Alive is the right fit for them. We take education seriously and will only accept those who will excel in a rigorous Christian environment. Once a grade is at capacity, additional students will be put on a waiting list. Use the calculator below to find out the class of your student:

Select Student Birthday

Select School Year

Student availability for 2024-2025 is shown below.


  • Open in Green
  • Closed in Red



  1. Class of 2038: Age 4-5, Grade PK, Level 1 - Open
  2. Class of 2037: Age 5-6, Grade K, Level 1 - Open
  3. Class of 2036: Age 6-7, Grade 1, Level 2 - Open
  4. Class of 2035: Age 7-8, Grade 2, Level 2 - Open
  5. Class of 2034: Age 8-9, Grade 3, Level 3 - Open
  6. Class of 2033: Age 9-10, Grade 4, Level 3 - Open
  7. Class of 2032: Age 10-11, Grade 5, Level 4 - Open
  8. Class of 2031: Age 11-12, Grade 6, Level 4 - Open
  9. Class of 2030: Age 12-13, Grade 7, Level 5 - Open
  10. Class of 2029: Age 13-14, Grade 8, Level 5 - Open
  11. Class of 2028: Age 14-15, Grade 9, Level 6 - Closed
  12. Class of 2027: Age 15-16, Grade 10, Level 6 - Closed
  13. Class of 2026: Age 16-17, Grade 11, Level 7 - Closed
  14. Class of 2025: Age 17-18, Grade 12, Level 7 - Closed



  • Max 10 Students Each Grade
  • Max 20 Students Each Level
  • Max 140 Students Total


The main steps of the enrollment process include:


1. Apply: The first step is to fill out the student application. You will need to provide some information such as student birthday and class they will be entering based on our calculator above. You can also include additional information such as allergies or previous school(s). You must include an explanation if the answer is "Yes" to any of the following questions:


  • Has the student ever been dismissed or suspended from any school?

  • Has the student ever been retained at any grade level?
  • Does the student have any behavioral problems?
  • Does the student have any problems getting along with others?
  • Does the student have any learning difficulties?

  • Does the student have any physical disabilities or medical conditions?
  • Does the student have an academic background that is not strong?


2. Interview: After submitting your application, you may receive contact from us to schedule an in-person, parent/student interview or be put on a waiting list. During the interview, you will have the opportunity to discuss your child's needs and goals with us, and we will ask questions to get to know your child better.


3. Offer: After the interview, you will receive a decision regarding your child's acceptance to School Alive. This decision will be made with a focus on what is best for your child and the other students at School Alive.


4. Finalize: If your child is accepted, you will need to complete the necessary paperwork. To finalize the process and secure your position, a one-time, non-refundable $1000 New Student Fee to cover technology and registration costs must be made. A significant portion of this will be used to acquire and maintain individual devices managed by School Alive. This can be paid by card below or with cash/check to avoid the card processing fee. Checks should be made out to School Alive. Once the fee is paid, your child's enrollment at School Alive will be confirmed.

Staff Hiring

"Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me."


Matthew 16:24

Staff position availability at School Alive is shown below.



  • Open in Green
  • Closed in Red



Executive positions are responsible for administrative and managerial decisions for School Alive, recognizing that God is the real boss. These positions are mainly taken on a voluntary basis and can be categorized into the (1) School Board and (2) Advisory Board.


(1) School Board members are governing persons on the Board of Directors with voting rights and make key decisions affecting School Alive. They meet at least quarterly, having the time and resources to significantly contribute.

  • President - Closed
  • Vice President - Closed
  • Treasurer - Closed
  • Secretary - Closed

  • Director - Closed

  • Director - Closed


(2) Advisory Board members provide wisdom and suggested guidance without voting rights. This board can be larger and consists of members who offer expertise and insights in various areas aligned with the HAMSTER disciplines as well as parents or other stakeholders interested in advising the future direction of School Alive. While they have the opportunity to attend the formal school board meetings, their involvement can also be more informal, offering counsel as needed.

  • Advisor(s) - Open


Faculty positions are responsible for running School Alive on a daily basis. These positions are paid a highly competitive salary based on student enrollment.

  • Principal - Closed
  • Healthcare Teacher - Closed

  • Art Teacher - Closed

  • Mathematics Teacher - Open
  • Science Teacher - Closed

  • Technology Teacher - Closed
  • Engineering Teacher - Open
  • Religion Teacher - Closed


Support positions are responsible for a variety of tasks to assist salaried faculty and executives. These positions are mainly taken on a voluntary basis.

  • Head of Security - Closed

  • Security Guard(s) - Open

  • Substitute Teacher(s) - Open
  • Assistant Teacher(s) - Open
  • Custodian(s) - Open
  • General Volunteer(s) - Open
  • Other - Open


The main steps of the hiring process include:


1. Apply: The first step is to fill out the staff application below. You will need to provide some information such as your phone number and birthday. You must also include why you are interested in the position as well as a resume outlining your relevant experience. There will be an extensive background check for all positions at School Alive.


2. Interview: After submitting your application, you may receive contact from us to schedule an interview. During the interview, you will have the opportunity to discuss your needs and goals with us, and we will ask questions to get to know you better.


3. Offer: After the interview, you will receive a decision regarding your position acceptance to School Alive. This decision will be made with a focus on what is best for you and the others at School Alive.


4. Finalize: If you are accepted, you will need to complete the necessary paperwork.

Staff Application

Name (First Middle Last) *
Biological Sex *
Birthday (MM/DD/YYYY) *
Staff Position *
Phone Number *
E-mail Address *
Physical Address *
Why? *
Resume *

Max file size (Mb): 10

Partner Collaboration

"Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up."


Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Partnership availability at School Alive is shown below.



  • Open in Green
  • Closed in Red



Partnerships with School Alive are made to ensure smooth operations and to provide opportunities for students to connect with experts or serve the community.

  • Primary Legal Partner - Closed
  • Intellectual Property Legal Partner - Closed
  • Immigration Legal Partner - Closed
  • Insurance Partner - Closed
  • Accounting Partner - Closed
  • Banking Partner - Closed
  • Church Partner(s) - Open
  • School Partner(s) - Open
  • Business Partner(s) - Open
  • Healthcare Partner(s) - Open
  • Art Partner(s) - Open
  • Mathematics Partner(s) - Open
  • Science Partner(s) - Open
  • Technology Partner(s) - Open
  • Engineering Partner(s) - Open
  • Religion Partner(s) - Open
  • Other Partner(s) - Open


If you or your organization are interested in becoming a partner, please fill out the application below.

Partner Application

Name *
Partner Type *
Phone Number *
E-mail Address *
Physical Address *
Additional Information

Max file size (Mb): 10